This is the first pipe I created in Yahoo pipes. It's basically a pipe that allows the user to input what they would like to search and draws images from Flickr. It's pretty simple but I'm just pleased it works.
The best way i think I'll learn pipes is to play around with existing pipes and see what the output is.
Week 3
In this weeks tutorial we learnt how to export pipes using badges. I found using badges pretty simple and for this reason I might use it in my final assignment. I just used the pipes Dave gave us to make a mashup of Japan's earthquake disaster. This pipe drew images, videos and news from Flickr, Youtube and I understood most of this pipe and I think I could use it in my final Mash up.
While doing this exercise I realized I really need to brush up on my CSS skills as I struggled a bit when it came to styling the outcome of the pipes. I tried to insert a Japanese flag in the top right hand corner but it didn't really work so for now I've left the Mash Up looking like this:
Week 4
This weeks tutorial was a real challenge for me. After being late to the tutorial and missing the start of it I found using PHP incredibly difficult. The code didn't make much sense to me and I found I didn't really understand the pipe itself. With the 'Japanese Earthquake' pipe I was able to follow and have a basic understanding of how it worked but I got pretty lost in this weeks 'Movie' pipe.
After playing around with the code for a while I had it working, however not for long. I emailed the pipe to Dave who informed me I had a few errors in my code. The styling on this pipe is nothing very attractive but here it is:
After playing around with the code for a while I had it working, however not for long. I emailed the pipe to Dave who informed me I had a few errors in my code. The styling on this pipe is nothing very attractive but here it is:
After using both methods of exporting pipes I think I prefer Badges. I understand the advantages of using PHP and being able to customize style and content. I think for my Mash up badges will be sufficient for the output.
Week 5
This week we worked on a Flash tutorial and using actionscript which I have had little experience using. I found this tutorial easy to keep up with however I think I'm going to watch some video tutorials so I know my way around the program better.
Week 6
More Flash this week. I enjoyed this exercise even if I still haven't gotten the exercise working right.
Here is the link to the exercise and you will see what I mean...
Week 5
This week we worked on a Flash tutorial and using actionscript which I have had little experience using. I found this tutorial easy to keep up with however I think I'm going to watch some video tutorials so I know my way around the program better.
Week 6
More Flash this week. I enjoyed this exercise even if I still haven't gotten the exercise working right.
Here is the link to the exercise and you will see what I mean...